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Spotlight on Park Gate, Hove

Situated a short walk from both Brighton seafront and the peaceful St Ann’s Well Gardens, this spacious two-bedroom flat is in the perfect location for a peaceful family home.…

95% mortgage scheme

The Government-backed 95% mortgage scheme will help first-time buyers or current homeowners secure a mortgage with just a 5% deposit. This is part of an initiative to encourage ‘Generation Rent’ to become ‘Generation Buy’ and make homeownership a reality without the burden of raising a large deposit.…

Stamp Duty extension – what it could mean for you

In a bid to reinvigorate the economy after the first national lockdown in March 2020, Rishi Sunak announced the threshold for stamp duty would be increased to £500,000 until 31st March 2021, when the threshold would return to £125,000.…

Company Update: Going the extra mile

Following the announcement of a national lockdown, we want to reassure our customers that Sawyer & Co will remain here to support you.…